Many atheists wonder how anyone of any true intelligence could possibly believe in an invisible friend, or fall for the control schemes of religion. Still, what I've noticed is that those who are quite religious are not always as unintelligent as one might suppose. In fact, studying religious teachings might actually enhance intelligence in many regards. If you are an atheist you are probably going to want to dismiss this, but let's talk anyway, we can all debate it later.
You see, researchers have found that learning a new topic or subject, for instance law boosts a student IQ. Why? Because it is a totally different realm from the current reality and it is another way at looking at life, and I would submit you that in the same vein, it might also be true for religious studies.
Introducing a new concept (higher power or entity) is intellectually stimulating to consider of course, I can't fault anyone for taking that path of allowing a faith-based concept to explain the unattainable knowledge of our present period's scientific knowledge. One might ask a devout religious studier why they do not trust in self above all else, or how they can have faith that they know their faith is valid? See that point, although I realize I''s all just semantics, most philosophy is circular conundrum based.
Indeed, I'd speculate that the most entrenched religious followers may occasionally ask themselves such things, but they can't too much otherwise they will end up questioning their life's purpose and even their own existence. Some of the bible and other religious literature must not be taken literally otherwise it becomes irrelevant.
The other day, I was discussing all this with a very nice gentleman, a religious type through and through. He stated that the good book explains the beginning and how it all began, but also tells us that god is and has always been. He said humans don't get this because everything that we know has a beginning, and a perceived end. Still, I stated that;
We don't know that everything has a beginning - there are no observable proofs to that. In fact, if everything is made up of material that was here the prior then nothing has a beginning for sure. And even the concept of "nothing" cannot exist because once you think about it, you are observing it, even if in only your mind's eye, you have given it energy, thus, making it something. In that you have created something from nothing in that case, which is what religious folks proclaim god to have done, which would also mean he who ponders this has the power of god, if you have the power are you god?
Is this truth that you are god, that the mind is king of this domain? You see, you cannot know, you would have no proof either way. The highest power is self. The highest power is the mind, if you call that "god" then maybe everyone has a point of contention here? Hard to say, but I hope I've given you something new to consider.
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