Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pacquiao Vs Clottey

Due to the fall of negotiations between the Pacquiao vs Mayweather, Joshua Clottey a Ghanaian welterweight boxer gain an opportunity to face the Filipino hero for the WBO belt. Coming from a lost to Miguel Cotto (but many people considered that he won that fight), He is still a very legit contest for Manny Pacquiao having both height and reach advantage on his side and plus the fact that he has the skills to match the overwhelming speed and power of Pacquiao. He's a natural welterweight - simply put, Clottey is no push over for Pacquaio.

Manny Pacquiao has the most impressive fights in this era. A man who took the world of boxing by storm by taking down Champions, legends, future Hall of Famer, and top contenders of the sport. He has mastered the skill of utilizing speed and power. His attacks are ferocious and deadly. His style of boxing is considered as "Scientific Aggression" because he's not only an aggressive puncher but his attacks comes from different angles.

All this skills that Pacquiao gain was all thanks to his coaches Freddie Roach and Alex Ariza. The two works hand in hand to improve his uncanny skills. Roach who Pacquaio considers as "The Master" continuously sharpens and improve Pacquiao's boxing skills. On the other hand Alex Ariza,The man responsible for transforming Manny Pacquiao into a powerful and dependable boxer. His job is to make sure that The Filipino Icon is in his tip top shape when we enters the ring. Ariza's job is as important as Roach job without proper conditioning Pacquiao won't be able to apply the skills he had learned from Roach effectively. It is also his job to make sure that Pacquiao meets the weight limit.

Joshua Clottey rose to prominence by winning his first twenty fights, including 14 by knockout. His performance set him up to fight Carlos Baldomir, in a title defense by Baldomir for the WBC International Welterweight Title. On his last outing he faced Miguel Cotto for the WBO Welterweight title. Cotto dropped Clottey in the first with a Jab. Cotto was cut in the 3rd round by an accidental head butt, Clottey's combinations throughout the fight gave Cotto problems. Cotto emerged with a Split-Decision victory in a close fight which some considered should have gone to the favor of Clottey. Clottey has never lost via a knock out. His style often uses the ring keeping his distance and box by using his skills and combinations.

Clottey's conditioning is also impressive in that he has never lost by knockout. That alone says a lot. Basing on his fight record he can last a full fight without gasping for air. Roach is even considering to go for a decision win over The Grand Master. He's a tough and strong fighter capable of beating anybody in the welterweight division.

Boxing Shoes - The Importance of Comfort

It is imperative that boxing shoes provide a perfect fit for the boxer. If he is trying to box with his feet hurting or his shoes slipping around on his feet, chances are he will not win that match. A boxer needs to be one hundred percent confident of his equipment before he enters the ring, and the shoes are a huge part of that. Boxers take enough punishment during their matches. They do not need to add feet blisters to that due to a poor shoe choice.

When choosing boxing equipment and accessories, it is important to find the ones that offer a perfect fit to you. Boxing shoes need to fit just as well as the boxing shorts do. You would not want your shorts falling down or splitting open during a boxing match. So it only makes sense that you would not want your shoes to allow you to slip and slide in the boxing ring or make your feet sweat.

You need to be very particular when choosing your shoes because unless they feel as if they are a PART of your feet, you will have problems with them. Most pairs are made from soft leather, suede, and rounded out with rubber soles that are meant to offer traction. Boxing shoes also have ventilation through mesh �windows� on all sides so that your feet do not become over heated and too sweaty.

All of those things work together to make your shoes offer everything you need while in the boxing ring. However, they must also be a perfect fit or your feet can become sore, blistered and irritated from trying to move around in the wrong type of shoe. Be sure to try on your shoes before you decide to buy them. Walk and move around in the store to make sure they are going to feel comfortable. Remember, ideally, you want them to feel so comfortable that you do not even notice you are wearing them.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps

Today I want to further highlight how breaking out of the intensive care environment can create a virtuous cycle for all stakeholders. Long-term ventilation with Tracheostomy in ICU is usually a vicious cycle, with ventilator dependency, depression and hospital acquired infection at its core.

We can break out of this vicious cycle and create a virtuous cycle. Home intensive care nursing is an evolving and dynamic alternative for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with Tracheostomy and their families and it has become a massive success in other countries, in Europe in particular and I was very fortunate to gain insight and 'hands-on' experience in the Industry in Germany for a number of years.

In order to go the extra mile and create something of value for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, as well as for hospitals and intensive care units, INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME is extending services outside of the traditional intensive care approach, by looking at ways of how innovative and effective alternatives can be created in the context of:

1) Creating a virtuous cycle by dramatically improving quality of life outside of an icu environment - just by taking a long-term ventilated adult or a child with tracheostomy outside of the ICU environment back home, gives them and their family such a boost, with the natural consequence of feeling so much better.

2) Establishing quality of life that is focused around a holistic approach towards the ventilated adult or child in their own home, outside of ICU.

3) Establishing quality of life that is focused not only on the quality of life of the ventilated adult or child, but is also focused on the quality of life of the family- we all know how much time families spend in icu to be with their loved ones and essentially putting their life on hold, whilst feeling very stressed and outside of their comfort zone.

4) Creating and freeing up expensive resources for hospitals and ICU's in particular that can be used for more acute and sick patients that have a much higher need for critical care, in comparison to adults or children who are long-term ventilated with tracheostomy and have little or no quality of life in ICU.

5) Creating win-win situations for long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy, their families, as well as for intensive care units and hospitals, in view of intensive care beds being one of the most expensive resources used in a hospital

6) Creating a quality solution outside of the traditional hospital approach, where intensive care trained nurses can contribute and use their specialist skills to make a massive difference to the quality of life of ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, whilst maintaining high quality nursing standards in a home care environment that enable the customer's quality of life to be the main focus.

7) Breaking out of the vicious cycle of long- term ventilation in ICU, where long term-ventilation triggers depression and depression causes long- term ventilation. On top of that - more often than not-long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy in intensive care catch a hospital acquired infection that usually prolongs their already expensive stay in intensive care, adding on another loop to the vicious cycle and putting additional costs on to their already long list of expenses.

The list could probably go on and please leave your comments on our blog, as I have put this month's newsletter on our blog, as well as in the newsletter section.

Have a great weekend!

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps   

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps

Today I want to further highlight how breaking out of the intensive care environment can create a virtuous cycle for all stakeholders. Long-term ventilation with Tracheostomy in ICU is usually a vicious cycle, with ventilator dependency, depression and hospital acquired infection at its core.

We can break out of this vicious cycle and create a virtuous cycle. Home intensive care nursing is an evolving and dynamic alternative for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with Tracheostomy and their families and it has become a massive success in other countries, in Europe in particular and I was very fortunate to gain insight and 'hands-on' experience in the Industry in Germany for a number of years.

In order to go the extra mile and create something of value for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, as well as for hospitals and intensive care units, INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME is extending services outside of the traditional intensive care approach, by looking at ways of how innovative and effective alternatives can be created in the context of:

1) Creating a virtuous cycle by dramatically improving quality of life outside of an icu environment - just by taking a long-term ventilated adult or a child with tracheostomy outside of the ICU environment back home, gives them and their family such a boost, with the natural consequence of feeling so much better.

2) Establishing quality of life that is focused around a holistic approach towards the ventilated adult or child in their own home, outside of ICU.

3) Establishing quality of life that is focused not only on the quality of life of the ventilated adult or child, but is also focused on the quality of life of the family- we all know how much time families spend in icu to be with their loved ones and essentially putting their life on hold, whilst feeling very stressed and outside of their comfort zone.

4) Creating and freeing up expensive resources for hospitals and ICU's in particular that can be used for more acute and sick patients that have a much higher need for critical care, in comparison to adults or children who are long-term ventilated with tracheostomy and have little or no quality of life in ICU.

5) Creating win-win situations for long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy, their families, as well as for intensive care units and hospitals, in view of intensive care beds being one of the most expensive resources used in a hospital

6) Creating a quality solution outside of the traditional hospital approach, where intensive care trained nurses can contribute and use their specialist skills to make a massive difference to the quality of life of ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, whilst maintaining high quality nursing standards in a home care environment that enable the customer's quality of life to be the main focus.

7) Breaking out of the vicious cycle of long- term ventilation in ICU, where long term-ventilation triggers depression and depression causes long- term ventilation. On top of that - more often than not-long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy in intensive care catch a hospital acquired infection that usually prolongs their already expensive stay in intensive care, adding on another loop to the vicious cycle and putting additional costs on to their already long list of expenses.

The list could probably go on and please leave your comments on our blog, as I have put this month's newsletter on our blog, as well as in the newsletter section.

Have a great weekend!

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps   

Legal Support Services That Court Reporting Agencies Offer

Court reporting agencies supply legal support services to law firms and companies as they engage in complex litigation, or respond to other situations, which require services that qualify as legal support. If your law firm or company needs the types of assistance listed below, you will find them at a court reporting agency.

Early Case Assessment

Early case assessment focuses on evaluating a case from several perspectives, such as how much it would cost to litigate, whether it would be likely to have a favorable outcome, and how long it would take to conclude. Because early case assessment is based on the information that surrounds a case before it goes to court, it is often performed in tandem with deposition services, which help attorneys gather and organize information from depositions.

Complex Litigation Support

Litigation may be complex for several reasons, such as a large number of witnesses who must be interviewed before a case strategy is formed, a large volume of documents that must be reviewed before a case goes forward, and a short timeframe in which to try a case. When attorneys face these circumstances, they often require litigation support in the form of extra paralegals and court reporters, document retrieval and document review services, and early case assessment. A court reporting agency provides these types of assistance.

Deposition Recording

The statements witnesses make in depositions are crucial for forming case strategies and assessing the overall strength of a case. Consequently, court reporters that perform deposition services are especially valuable to law firms. Hiring a reporter from a court reporting agency ensures that the person has the right qualifications for the job.

Legal Videography

Legal videography applies to the visual recording of depositions, trials, company meetings, and other official proceedings. In addition to producing a visual document of a proceeding, videos help attorneys analyze the certain types of behavior that are difficult to record in a transcript, such as facial movements, tone of voice, and nervousness.

Record Retrieval

Retrieving official records such as medical records, court records, and financial records requires adherence to specific rules and regulations. For companies and law firms, hiring staff that are qualified to perform document retrieval is an unnecessary expense when the service can be outsourced instead. Court reporting agencies are qualified to retrieve the types of documents listed above, among others.

Document Review

Document review helps law firms and companies organize and review a large volume of documents, review documents that contain complex subject matter, and assess the value of the information documents contain. Often performed as a part of complex litigation support, document review is valuable for any situation in which organizing and/or reviewing documents presents unusual obstacles.


Court reporting agencies supply law firms with crucial legal support services. These services also benefit companies that have legal needs, or simply need the language of a meeting recorded and produced as a transcript. To learn more about the scope of deposition services and the other services court reporting agencies offer, contact an agency today.

Common Types of Bail Bonds   Tips for Selecting the Best Legal Staffing Agency   Judgment Debtor Exemptions And Timelines   Should You Outsource Your Judgments?   How A Wireless Expert Witness Can Help You   Legal Placement Services: The Difference Between Court Reporters and Paralegals   

Validation Letter: Temporary Solution When Being Sued By A Credit Card Company

Thousands of Americans are embroiled in credit card debts that the number of people being sued by a credit card company is on the rise. Unfortunately, many people think that they can get away with not paying their credit card debt when their accounts were marked as a charged off on their credit report.

The fact is, junk debt buyers, collection agencies and of course, the original creditor would still want to collect even a portion of the debt and to do this, they will have to file a card lawsuit. In doing so, they could get legal authorization to garnish wages, empty bank accounts or worst, debtors' properties may actually be seized once they are being sued by a credit card company.

The good news is, you can do something about it. You can prevent your creditor from getting a-hold of your money or property when being sued by your credit card company and even thwart possible lawsuits. How?

One effective but temporary solution to get more time to determine the next step is to request a validation letter when being sued by your credit card company. By requesting a debt validation letter when being sued by a credit card company, the other party will be required to send you a signed document that verifies the card debt in dispute. If they send this document, all collection efforts go to a grinding halt. From there, you will gain enough time to determine what you can do next to handle the credit card lawsuit.

You can either go ahead and study how to defend yourself in court or by hiring a lawyer or you can negotiate a deal with your creditor. To negotiate a deal with your creditor, you will have to contact the person with the authority to handle such accounts, and not discuss the issue with a random customer service representative.

Once you get a-hold of the right person, discuss the issue, and let him or her know that you are serious about paying the debt. If you are going through a difficult time, like a loved one being sick, you've gone through accidents, disasters or any events that could've led to depleted funds, let your creditor know and he or she just might give you a break. They could either drop the credit card lawsuit altogether or they just might agree to get only a portion of the debt with a sensible payment plan to boot.

If things work out in your favor, make sure you get everything in writing! Don't expect your creditor to do exactly what they promised because let's be honest, some will say just about anything just as long as they get the money. Get everything in writing, have the representative of the company, and yourself sign the agreement.

Common Types of Bail Bonds   Tips for Selecting the Best Legal Staffing Agency   Judgment Debtor Exemptions And Timelines   Should You Outsource Your Judgments?   How A Wireless Expert Witness Can Help You   When Should You Contact a Litigation Lawyer?   

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